Sunday, 21 April 2013

Motivational Monday #3

Hi Lovelies.
Well.. WOW! Week 3 of this now! This is my favourite part of the blog, inspirations is good for us all and a weekly dose does everyone some good. So for this week I'm inspiring about Workouts!

I admittedly am thee worst at trying to get out of bed and do some exercises, but now not only do I want to lose some weight and tone up but I need to. I have a bad knee which needs regular exercises to keep it healthy and strong.
So being a student I'm not loaded, so a gym membership is a no currently. I'm going to utilise what I do have... and that's a Wii and a Fit Board. I will be doing an hour workout every day at least five times a week and it is only 4% of your day surely I can spare that... can't I?
Have a nice week!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Arrival of Maxitone!

Hi Lovelies!
So as you all know by now by reading my blog, you'll know I created this blog to inspire others to get fit and healthy but also to inspire myself. So I did a little research into nutrients and helpful tips to help lose weight and tone up and along came.... Maxitone!
I was dubious of using protein as I know it helps body builders etc.. A common misconception there for ya'!
So I bought a bundle from Maxitone and gave it a go. Here's what I got...

Maxitone Starter Bundle (Includes Maxitone Sculptress Powder - Strawberry Sundae, Clear Shaker & Sculptress Tablets), Electric Pink Shaker and Maxitone Water Bottle
All together this lot cost me £30.99! But I saved quite a bit, the starter kit cost £26 saving £14.98! The Electric Pink Shaker was free because this was my first order and the Chocolate Delight powder was free because I spent more than £30. So Underneath I'll write the full website prices. :)

The Maxitone Water Bottle I got was so the total went over £30, the cheapest things on the site are water bottles and shakers. As I already had one in the bundle and a free one with my order I didn't want 3! The bottle holds 650ml.
They are £4.99 on Maxitone

The Sculptress Weight Loss System Tablets came in the kit and I'm not quite sure if I'm going to use them as I don't really like the idea of weight loss tablets. I'll look into details about them more first. You take 3 a day at your timings on an empty stomach. £9.99 at Maxitone

Electric Pink Shaker, this was free with my first order (everyone gets one) an I was gutted that the kit had the clear one as this was the one I really wanted. Super duper pleased with this arrival!
Clear Shaker, came in the kit. This is going to come in handy when making my shakes and are really easy to use on the go. There's a little plastic mesh sheet you put inside to help break up lumps of powder, nobody wants a chewy shake! Both holds 500ml. £4.99 here

Chocolate Delight Sculptress Powder this was the free tub I got when I spent over £30, I really wanted to try the chocolate one, the only other shakes I've tried were Biggest Loser ones, and there chocolate one tasted like wafers! High hopes for this!!
Sculptress Powder in Strawberry Sundae, I got this one because I knew I was receiving a free Chocolate one and thought well I may as well try two different one in case the chocolate one isn't nice. I do like strawberry flavoured things and it was this or Banana (which was tough!). By the way this is the new packaging and the chocolate is the old one. Both tubs hold 14 servings, 2 scoops with 250ml of water. You use these shakes too replace one or two meals or snacks a day technically lasting a week!! I'm only having one a day for my breakfast as it's not ideal on the train to uni. So they should last me two weeks each.
£24.99 each here the deal for a free tubs still on :D

A view of the Chocolate Powder inside and the scoop which you dig for inside :)
So I hope you enjoyed my first looks of Maxitone Sculptress, I'll do a mid review and a full review two weeks in and then finished at four weeks in.
Comment below if you liked this. Give me a follow :) xx
Much Love
Rebecca xx

Monday, 15 April 2013

Motivational Monday #2

Hi Lovelies!!

OMG I cannot believe that I am writing my second ones of these! It felt like only yesterday I wrote it. Anyway this will be a permanent fixture here on Healing Healthily.

I think this is when most of us give up trying to loose weight and the cheat meals creep in more and more. I am a total sinner where this is concerned. But finding this imaged really did help and I have become more health and determined to do it this time. Sometimes we get stuck at a certain weight and just can't get past it.
Adding variety and trying to drink lots and lots of water really does help. Sometimes people think the less they eat the better, this isn't true your body needs at least 1,200 calories a day AFTER exercises!
Keep going, even if your going slow your still going faster than being sat on the couch!
Healing Healthily xx

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Size Labels :)

Hey lovelies,
So flicking through 'Fitspiration' on the Internet I came across quite a few interesting images, which I will share with you later. But I came along a quote which I thought was truly perfect. I thought I'd share this with you...
"Sizes are just numbers assigned to garments to make shopping easier. Ever thought of it that way? They’re numbers, put in order, that are designed to make our lives easier when we go shopping. They’re not telling you you’re EXTRA LARGE, or SMALL. They’re like, “oh hey this top is smaller than that one, just FYI” So you can be like, “Why thank you size tag, you just saved me so much time!” Size tags should not hurt your feelings. You should be thankful that they exist! And besides, every size is dependent on the brand. There is no universal size. They’re sized in comparison to other items of the same variety, for your convenience. Just don’t be scared of a number on a tag, okay? "
Source here
Hope this helps some people.
Rebecca :) xx

Juicing not Snacking #1

Hi Lovelies!
Today I bring you a Juice recipe. I like to make a fresh juice when I'm feeling peckish and would love something cheatish. I rustle something up really quickly and usually find something new and delish!
Todays ¦ Carrot & Apple
4 Large Apple (Any Apple I just used four I picked up at ASDA they were RED)
2/3 Medium to Large Carrots
1 Inch Lemon
Bang ito your chute two apple then your carrots and lemon and remaining 2 apples. Then enjoy. It really is that simple to juice. Serve over lots of ice!
End Result.
Let me know if you try this one or if you like juicing recipes :)
Rebecca x

Monday, 8 April 2013

Motivational Monday #1

Hey Lovelies,
So I thought considering this is a Fitness and Health blog and let's be honest some of us like a little motivational kick up the bum. I thought I'd start doing the Motivational Monday posts.
I'm starting this after the Easter holidays when most people are back at Work or University today. I'm not back till next week but I thought this is a good place to start.
This is a really good motivational image which I instantly loved. Mainly because a lot of people me included have undertaken a fad diet and expected to see results quickly and become skinny. Instead take the slow approach it's healthier and the wight stays off. A quick loss will become a quick gain.
Learning that your weight will fluctuate is good and shouldn't dampen you and your efforts. Remember water weight is included!
You can do this. Stay strong and stay persistent if you really want to lose weight and become fit and healthy eat clean and exercise. You will find the results you want gradually. There's a difference between skinny and slim.
Let me know if you like these posts and find it useful or interesting :)
Rebecca xx

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Well hello there....

Hello Lovely!
So I already have a current Beauty blog which you can find * here *. But instead of incorporating all my fitness feeds into that I though I would create a new blog and so Bealing Healthily was born.
So I'm not exactly in the pit of health, I do have Asthma which is taimed and a bad knee (which will be improved through excerise) so I though using a blog may surge me along a healthier and happier lifestyle in which I'll be healing my body too :)
So on this blog I'm going to show where I'm up to, what I'm doing and a few healthy recipes thrown into the mix. I will also show you what excersises I'm doing and regular updates of my Goals :)
So welcome to my corner of the tinterweb :) Follow and leve me your blog so I can looksy
Tweet me* Here*